The Certified Credit Research Analyst (CCRATM) Certification is being jointly offered by Association of International Wealth Management of India (AIWMI) & National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM). The CCRATM is a comprehensive global education program designed to give an expert level understanding of credit markets to fresh graduates and experienced professionals. It integrates the fundamentals of financial analysis, credit analysis, rating methodologies, credit strategy and structuring. It offers the tools a candidate needs to occupy key positions in the world of finance, private banking, credit ratings and fixed income domain.

PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE: CCRATM will help you deploy the most comprehensive suite of research, data and tools to analyze and monitor credit analysis on individual securities, companies and industries in the market.

ONE-ON-ONE ACCESS to industry-leading analysts, briefings, webinars and teleconferences.

ACCESS TO IN-DEPTH REPORTS that dissect the credit strengths and weaknesses of individual companies and transactions.

MARKET SAVVY: Learn how to analyze accurate, timely and comprehensive sets of data on company financials, industries and deal performance metrics.

GLOBAL ANALYTICAL MODELS: Get insights into risk models, to analyze, screen and monitor individual credits and portfolios.





The Certified Credit Research Analyst (CCRATM) Certification is being jointly offered by Association of International Wealth Management of India (AIWMI) & National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM).


Association of International Wealth Management of India (AIWMI). It primarily focuses on the broad and strategic role of developing a more robust and forward-looking training infrastructure for the financial services sector and to promote more active industry involvement & collaboration in training and continuing education.

More about AIWMI >>


The National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) is a public trust established in 2006 by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the regulator of the securities markets in India. The institute carries out a wide range of capacity building activities at various levels aimed at enhancing the quality standards of and increase the participation in the securities markets.


CCRATM is a comprehensive global education program designed to give an expert level understanding of debt capital markets and bank loan markets to graduates and experienced professionals. It integrates the fundamentals of financial analysis, credit analysis, rating methodologies, credit strategy and structuring.


The content of the CCRA exam is prepared by CARE Ratings (a leading credit rating agency in India), ensuring that the course focuses specifically on Credit analysis knowledge, thus making it the most sought after exam for graduates & working professionals who aspire to a career in Credit Rating firms, Banking and Strategy.



There is no other globally recognized certification that prepares you better, for employment in the field of bank loans, credit analysis, rating, credit monitoring, securitization and strategy. It help you deploy the most comprehensive suite of research, data and tools to analyze and monitor credit analysis on loans, securities,
companies and industries

• Banks • Commercial and Retail Finance • Credit Appraisal • Credit Monitoring • Credit Ratings
• Credit Strategy • Fund Management • FI Trading and Sales • Hedge Funds/PE • Investment Banking • Loan Syndication • NBFC • NPA Management • Project Finance • Treasury


  • Design Credit Strategy and Credit Portfolios
  • Enhance Basel based Internal Rating systems
  • Amplify your Credit Monitoring systems
  • Make lending and Investment Recommendations
  • Streamline quantitative research for interest rate

  • Analyze debt and loan portfolio performance
  • Build & Maintain Credit Risk Models
  • Generate better trade ideas & targets
  • Perform Credit appraisal with global best practices
  • Individual and corporate clients

The course targets adult students, those who have joined or already completed their college education. These people may be working or already pursuing higher education.



There are only 51 stocks in the world that are rated by more than 50 sell-side equity research analysts. Of these, 49 are in India. The only 2 stocks outside India are Apple and Intel. (MS Report). Equity Research per se has bulk supply and few jobs which are inverse compared to the total capital out in the world


The study material of CCRATM certification also contains permitted contents from:

  • World Bank
  • Moody’s Investor Services
  • Standard & Poor’s Financial Services
  • Swiss Finance Analysts Association
  • Bank of International Settlements (BIS)
  • Fitch Ratings
  • National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM)
  • Care Ratings
  • Asian Development Bank
  • The Climate Bonds Initiatives

  • Fixed Income, Money Markets & Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA)
  • International Association of Credits Portfolio Managers (IACPM)
  • Loan Market Association (LMA)
  • Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA)
  • Equator Principles Association
  • Experian
  • India Ratings (subsidiary of Fitch Ratings)





Module 1: Financial Statement Analysis

Introduction: Role of Financial Statements, Relevance of Notes, Nuances of Accounting: Inventories, Depreciation, EPS, Intangible Assets, Ratio Analysis, Financial Modelling and Covenant Testing, Nuances of Leases, Hire Purchase, Pension Liabilities and Classification of Investments in Financial Assets, Red Flags, GAAP & IFRS – Similarities & Differences, Case Studies

Module 2: Credit Strategy and Portfolio Management

Liquidity Analysis, Stress Testing, Comparison: Sector versus Global, Liquidation Scenario and Event, M&A/ LBO, Banker’s Angle to Credit Analysis, Bank CMA Format and Credit Policy Formulation, Preparation of Credit Proposal and Credit Appraisal, Capital Budgeting Methods, Loan/Bond, Behavioral Aspects of Credit officer, Pre-sanction Methodologies and Analysis, Know your Customer (KYC) requirements, ESG Analysis for Loans/Bonds, Case studies

Module 3: Understanding of Loans and Bonds

Loan documentation, Covenants analysis and Trends, Loan/Bond Pricing, Spreads and Curves, Credit Default Swap (CDS), Seniority Ranking, Rich Cheap Analysis, Bond Valuation Measures Including, Swaps, OAS, YTW, YTM, Risk Mitigation using Derivatives, Forex Hedge, Case studies

Module 4: Credit Risk Models and

CCRA Regulations and Debt Guidelines, Credit Risk Models & Miscellaneous including Regression/Time series for Interest Rate Modeling, Merton and other Model, and Case studies

Module 5: Understanding and Analysis of Corporate Banking Facilities and Other Financing Forms

Understanding Types of Corporate Banking Facilities, Assessment of Working Capital Finance, Analyze Treasuries and other corporate papers, Nuances of Credit Analysis from NBFC Perspective, Private Banking perspective, ARC Perspective, Priority Sector/Agri Lending Analysis and Peculiarities, Analysis for Loan against property, Analysis for Loan against Securities, Other Common Financing structures, Consortium lending, Green bonds, Case studies.





Module 1: Credit Rating – Internal and External

Introduction: Role of Financial Statements, Relevance of Notes, Nuances of Accounting: Inventories, Depreciation, EPS, Intangible Assets, Ratio Analysis, Financial Modelling and Covenant Testing, Nuances of Leases, Hire Purchase, Pension Liabilities and Classification of Investments in Financial Assets, Red Flags, GAAP & IFRS – Similarities & Differences, Case Studies

Module 2: Credit Strategy and Portfolio Management

Understanding Yield Curves, Trading on Interest Rate Risks, Understanding Credit Spreads, Trading on Credit Spreads, Other Concepts on Credit Risk, Predicting the Market, Introduction to Distressed Debt, Understanding Systemic Risk, Credit Analysis in a Multi Asset Class portfolio, Trading Strategies for Emerging Markets and Case studies portfolio, Trading Strategies for Emerging Markets and Case studies

Module 3: Credit Monitoring, NPA
Management, Enhancement and Securitization

Credit Monitoring and Identification of Early Warning signals, Credit Enhancement and Structures, Rating of Asset Backed and Mortgage Backed Securitization Transactions, Stressed Asset Management – Warning Signs, Process and Monitoring for Recovery, CDR Mechanism, Pricing/Valuation of NPA’s and Asset backed/Mortgage backed Securities, Case studies